Saturday, 16 July 2011

link for Silverlight

Link for Delegate And Ref And Out key word

Building a multithreaded application can be done in several ways includes:
  1. Asynchronous delegates calls.
  2. The BackgroundWorker component.
  3. The Thread class.

In this article we will cover the asynchronous delegates calls, if you want to know about other two types see my articles (Using the BackgroundWorker component, Building a multithreaded application using Thread calss).

This article assumes that you have a good understanding of the delegate type, if you don't, see my article Delegates in C#.
Asynchronous delegates calls:
as you may know, we use the delegate to point to method in the application, which can be invoked at later time.

Example 1:
namespace DelegateSynchronousCalls
    public delegate int MyDelegate(int x);
    public class MyClass
        //A method to be invoke by the delegate
        public int MyMethod(int x)
            return x * x;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyClass myClass1 = new MyClass();
            MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(myClass1.MyMethod);

            //invoke the method synchronously
            int result = del(5);
            //this text will not show till the first operation finish
            Console.WriteLine("Proccessing operation...");
            Console.WriteLine("Result is: {0}", result);
As you can see we used our delegate to invoke the method in the main thread of our application, but what if we have a long runing proccess that will be executed when we invoke the method, for example:

 int MyMethod(int x)
    //simulate a long running proccess
    return x*x;   
We have now an operation that will take about 10 second to complete so our application will be not responsive and we can't execute any other operations till the first one finish.

So, what we can do to overcome this problem?

The answer is to use the delegate to invoke the method asynchronosly, but how we can do this?. The next example will show you how to use our delegate to make asynchronous call of the method.

Example 2:
    class Program
        public delegate int MyDelegate(int x);
        public class MyClass
            //A method to be invoke by the delegate
            public int MyMethod(int x)
                //simulate a long running proccess
                return x * x;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyClass myClass1 = new MyClass();
            MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(myClass1.MyMethod);
            //Invoke our method in another thread
            IAsyncResult async = del.BeginInvoke(5, nullnull);
            //do something while MyMethod is executing.
            Console.WriteLine("Proccessing operation...");
            //recieve the results.
            int result = del.EndInvoke(async);
            Console.WriteLine("Result is: {0}", result);
As you can see, we defined the delegate as usual but we don't start invoking our method directly, we used our delegate to call BeginInvoke() method that returns an IAsyncResult object, then we submit this object to the EndInvoke() method then EndInvoke() provide the return value.(complex right !!?)

You may wonder now from where all this methods come from?

The answer is simple, when you define a delegate, a custom delegate class is generated and added to your assembly. this class include many method like Invoke(), BeginInvoke() and EndInvoke().

When you use your delegate to call a method you actualy call the Invoke() method. Invoke() method executes your method synchronously (on the main thread) as in example 1.

When you want to make an asynchronous call to your underlying method first you call BeginInvoke(). When you call BeginInvoke() your method is queued to start on another thread. 

BeginInvoke() doesn't return the return value of the underlying method. Instead it returns an IAsyncResult object that you can use to determine when the asynchronous operation is complete.

To take your results, you submit the IAsyncResult object to the EndInvoke() method of the delegate. EndInvoke() waits for the operation to complete if it hasn't already finished and then provide the return value.

You may ask, what is the other two parameters in the BeginInvoke() method?

When calling BeginInvoke() you supply all the parameters of the original method, plus two parameters, the first can be used in callback and the othe is a state object. if you don't need these options just pass a null reference.

In the next section you will see how to use them.

Using AsyncCallback delegate:
To alow the calling thread to know if the asynchronous operation has completed its work, you have two ways to do this, first you can make use of the IsCompleted property of the IAsyncResult interface.

By using this property, the calling thread is able to determine is the asynchronous operation has completed before calling EndInvoke(). If the method has not completed, IsCompleted returns false. If IsCompleted return true, the calling thread can obtain the results

Example 3:
namespace DelegatesAsyncCallsIsCompleted
    public delegate int MyDelegate(int x);
    public class MyClass
        //A method to be invoke by the delegate
        public int MyMethod(int x)
            //simulate a long running proccess
            return x * x;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyClass myClass1 = new MyClass();
            MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(myClass1.MyMethod);
            //Invoke our methe in another thread
            IAsyncResult async = del.BeginInvoke(5, nullnull);

            //loop until the method is complete
            while (!async.IsCompleted)
                Console.WriteLine("Not Completed");
            int result = del.EndInvoke(async);
            Console.WriteLine("Result is: {0}", result);
It would be more efficient when we have a delegate that inform the calling thread when the operation is finished.

To do this, you need to supply an instance of the AsyncCallback delegate as a parameter to BeginInvok(). This delegate will call a specified method automaticaly when the asynchronous call has completed.

The method that AsyncCallback will invoke must taking IAsyncResult as a sole parameter and return nothing.

 static void MyCallBack(IAsyncResult async)
The IAsyncResult is the same object that you recieve when you call BeginInvoke() method.

Example 4:
    public delegate int MyDelegate(int x);
    public class MyClass
        //A method to be invoke by the delegate
        public int MyMethod(int x)
            //simulate a long running proccess
            return x * x;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyClass myClass1 = new MyClass();
            MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(myClass1.MyMethod);
            //Invoke our methe in another thread
            IAsyncResult async = del.BeginInvoke(5, new AsyncCallback(MyCallBack), null);
            Console.WriteLine("Proccessing the Operation....");
        static void MyCallBack(IAsyncResult async)
            Console.WriteLine("Operation Complete);
Remember, the MyCallback() method will be invoked by the AsyncCallback delegate when the MyMethod() has completed.
As you can see, we didn't invoke the EndInvoke() method that because the MyCallback() method doesn't have access to the MyDelegate object, so we can make use of the incoming IAsyncResult parameter and cast it into type AsyncResult and use the static AsyncDelegate property which returns a reference to the original asynchronous delegate that was created else where.

We can rewrite the MyCallback() method as follow:

 void MyCallBack(IAsyncResult async)
    AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)async;
    MyDelegate del = (MyDelegate)ar.AsyncDelegate;
    int x = del.EndInvoke(async);
    Consol.WriteLine("Operation Complete, Result is: {0}", x);

The final parameter of the BeginInvoke() method can be used to pass additional state information to the callback method from the primary thread. Because this parameter is a System.Object, you can pass in any type of information .
Exampe 5:
    public delegate int MyDelegate(int x);
    public class MyClass
        //A method to be invoke by the delegate
        public int MyMethod(int x)
            //simulate a long running proccess
            return x * x;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyClass myClass1 = new MyClass();
            MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(myClass1.MyMethod);
            //Invoke our methe in another thread
            IAsyncResult async = del.BeginInvoke(5, new AsyncCallback(MyCallBack), "A message from the main thread");
            Console.WriteLine("Proccessing the Operation....");
        static void MyCallBack(IAsyncResult async)
            AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)async;
            MyDelegate del = (MyDelegate)ar.AsyncDelegate;
            int x = del.EndInvoke(async);

            //make use of the state object.
            string msg = (string)async.AsyncState;
            Console.WriteLine("{0}, Result is: {1}", msg, x);

                                REF and  OUT

While passing an argument to any method having a ref or out keyword, as we can see in the following program, that while calling method math1 we have to initialize a variable as "int b=0;" and in the same manner while calling math2 it is optional to initialize a variable for passing an argument. Let's see a small program.

     class Program
         //No Input & Output
        void Test1()
             Console.WriteLine("First method");
         //No Output has Input
        void Test2(int x)
             Console.WriteLine("Second method: " + x);
         //No Input has Output
        string Test3()
             return "Third method";
         //Has Input & Output
        string Test4(string name)
             return "Hello " + name;
         //Returning multiple values:
        int Math1(int x, int y, ref int z)
             z = x * y;           
             return x + y;
         int Math2(int x, int y, out int z)
             z = x * y;
             return x + y;
         static void Main(string[] args)
             Program p = new Program();           
             p.Test1(); p.Test2(100);
             int b = 0;  //Initialization is mandatory
            int a = p.Math1(100, 50, ref b);
             Console.WriteLine(a + "   " + b);
             int n;  //Initialization is optional
            int m = p.Math2(100, 50, out n);
             Console.WriteLine(m + "   " + n);

Friday, 1 July 2011

C# Function Signature

C# Function Signature

Hello Friends,

This the article related Function Signature..

During a function call, a C# compiler needs to resolve the name of the function .The signature of a function is defined by :

1)The number of parameters. Consider the following example:

void AddNumber(int);
void AddNumber(int float);
In the preceding code, there are two functions beacuse the number of parameters id different.

2)The data types od parameters.Consider the following example:
void Display(int);
void Display(char);
In preceding code, the two functions are differenet beacuse the data type of their parameters different.

3)The sequence of parameters.Consider the following example:
void Display(int,char);
void Display(char,int);
In the preceding code, the two functions are different because their parameters are specified in a different order.
Very Importent Note:

The return type is NOT a part of a function's signature.therefore, the following two declarations can't occur in the same class:
void display();
char display();

C# Function Signature

C# Function Signature

Hello Friends,

This the article related Function Signature..

During a function call, a C# compiler needs to resolve the name of the function .The signature of a function is defined by :

1)The number of parameters. Consider the following example:

void AddNumber(int);
void AddNumber(int float);
In the preceding code, there are two functions beacuse the number of parameters id different.

2)The data types od parameters.Consider the following example:
void Display(int);
void Display(char);
In preceding code, the two functions are differenet beacuse the data type of their parameters different.

3)The sequence of parameters.Consider the following example:
void Display(int,char);
void Display(char,int);
In the preceding code, the two functions are different because their parameters are specified in a different order.
Very Importent Note:

The return type is NOT a part of a function's signature.therefore, the following two declarations can't occur in the same class:
void display();
char display();